Why Staying Connected with PYXiS is a Great Business Decision

The PYXiS Advantage
August 30, 2024
Ensure your business's future by staying connected with PYXiS. Discover how we support you, even if selling isn’t on your radar.

Making decisions about the future of your business is never easy, especially when it comes to something as significant as selling. 

We understand that selling isn’t something you may be considering right now, and that’s okay. But we also believe that staying connected with us, even if you're not ready to sell, can bring real value to you and your company.

Preparing for the Unpredictable

Let’s face it: the future is unpredictable. While you may not be thinking about selling your business today, things can change. As Graham Jansen, our Business Development Specialist, puts it:

“At some point, everybody sells, whether or not you're even thinking about it. There’s a ton of value in maintaining that relationship over time, understanding both parties, and making sure that if you eventually arrive at that decision, you have all the information.”

We know that the thought of selling can feel overwhelming, and making the decision to do so is one of the most challenging you’ll ever face. 

By keeping in touch with PYXiS, you’re not committing to anything right now—you’re simply preparing for whatever the future might bring. That preparation means that if the day ever comes, you won’t have to navigate it alone. You’ll have the support and information you need to make the right decision for you and your business.

Building Genuine Trust

We believe that strong relationships are built on trust, not transactions. By staying connected with PYXiS, you create a bond beyond just business. It’s about mutual understanding, respect, and support. Graham highlights this when he says:

“It’s the most difficult decision you’re ever going to make in your life. So why not keep in touch over time and make sure that you have all the information available to make an informed decision?”

We’re here to get to know you and your business on a deeper level, so when or if you decide to sell, you can do so with someone who truly understands what you’ve built. This isn’t about selling—it’s about having someone in your corner who genuinely cares about your success.

Keeping Doors Open

Life in the software industry moves quickly, and opportunities can come out of nowhere. By maintaining a relationship with us, you keep your options open. 

You won't have to start from scratch if circumstances change or an opportunity suddenly arises. You’ll already have a trusted partner who knows your business and is ready to help you make the best decision for your unique situation.

We’re Here for the Long Haul

At PYXiS, we’re not just interested in the here and now. We’re committed to building relationships that last. 

Even if selling isn’t on your radar, staying connected with us is about more than just planning for the future. It’s about having a partner who understands your challenges and is ready to support you, no matter where your journey takes you.

As Graham Jansen said, maintaining that relationship ensures that when the time comes—whenever that may be—you’ll be equipped to make an informed, confident decision. We’re here for you whenever you need us and ready to help you navigate whatever your future holds.

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